Aversion to sex: what it is

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Normal loss of desire

To understand sexual aversion, we must keep in mind that there are circumstances in which it is normal for people to lose interest in sexual activity. Learn more with our blog and welcome to our best webcam sites.

There are a number of reasons why a person may lose interest in sex

It is normal to experience a loss of desire, for example, during menopause, after the birth of a child, before or during menstruation, during recovery from illness or surgery, and during major life changes or stressors such as the death of a being wanted, loss of employment, retirement or divorce. All these are considered normal causes in the fluctuations in the sexual desire and are generally temporary. Not having enough time for oneself or being alone with the couple can also contribute to the normal and naturally reversible loss of desire. Loss of privacy by moving to the home of a dependent elderly parent is also a common cause of loss of desire in middle-aged couples. Depression, fatigue, or stress also contributes to decreased sexual interest.

Difference between normal loss of desire and aversion to sex

But all these external and temporal situations do not represent a true Sex Aversion Disorder; an aversion is something much stronger, which is presented as an active avoidance of sexual activity, regardless of the normal ups and downs in desire described above.

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Sex Aversion Disorder is characterized not only by lack of desire, but also by fear, repulsion, disgust and similar emotions when the person comes in contact with a couple's genitals. Aversion can occur in different ways, may be related to specific aspects of sexual intercourse, such as seeing the partner's genitals or the smell of their bodily secretions, but may not include kissing, hugging and cuddling, as well as relationships themselves. In some cases, the person with sexual aversion disorder avoids any kind of sexual contact; others, however, are not bothered by kisses and caresses, and are able to arrive normally until there is genital contact.

Sex Aversion can be caused by psychological factors or by a combination of physical and psychological factors.

Causes of Aversion to Sex

There are a number of causes outlined for Sexual Aversion Disorder. The most common are interpersonal problems and traumatic experiences. Interpersonal problems usually cause a type of aversion disorder specific to a situation, in which the symptoms occur only with a particular partner or under certain circumstances. In such cases, the underlying trigger is tension or dissatisfaction with the relationship. The reasons for unhappiness with the relationship may be due to the discovery of marital infidelity, disagreements over the education of children, money and family roles, domestic violence, etc. Interpersonal problems are often the cause that the sexual relationship with which was previously enjoyed is no longer desired.

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