How to flirt in the messenger?

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There is nothing better than live communication with the object of your passion, but in today's world, dating couples often takes place by correspondence. Tells us what rules should be followed in order to be interested in Man. Learn more with our best free webcam sites blog.

1. Start a conversation at ease

As a general rule, start a conversation hardest. The first stage is your task - to overcome the awkwardness and engage him in conversation. It is best to find the reason for the call, for example: "Hi! I see you've updated the photo on the avatar. Very good, but where it was made? "If a guy is interested in communicating with you, he will be happy to continue the conversation.

2. Do not stretch WELCOME

Neither a non-binding conversation beginning it is necessary to melt the ice, but do not overdo it. If you feel that things have gone, go to the standard questions about work, school, and daily activities.

3. AVOID monosyllabic ISSUES

Namely those for which only you can answer "yes" or "no." Build another phrase such as: "Did you see, did you repost this link. This is a really interesting topic. What attracted you to her? "

4. Do not complain about your problems

It is not necessary to talk about a new friend all your life's troubles and problems - is it flush out. On the contrary, show him what you are interesting and energetic. If you are looking for something really special – try our bbw webcam chat.

5. Mess MORE

No one expects you to hilarious stand-up show, but a little humor does not hurt healthy. If you have turned out to be a bad day, it is best to talk about it in a joking tone: "I'm a little battered nerves at work, but nothing I already took the soul in training for boxing."

6. Add a little SEXUALITY

If you feel that the conversation goes like clockwork, and the other person responds well to your jokes and witty cues can be added to the conversation a little pepper. For example, casually note that the show sounds very sexy music. This replica is exactly bring your communication to the next level.


Once you overcome shyness, can be integrated into a conversation stickers and emoticons - it will give a talk liveliness and variety. The main thing is not to overdo it. Fortunately, Viber, for example, you can find lots of stickers, including "glamorous": they help express emotions that are difficult to convey in words.

8. FIRST conversation ends

Nothing is more intriguing is suddenly interrupted the conversation. We must be able to leave nicely, to your return is awaited with great anticipation. So you kill two birds - will avoid embarrassment if the conversation has come slowly to nothing and create intrigue.

One last thing:

Flirt Pen - rather frivolous occupation, and perhaps the other person does not belong to it as seriously as you. Therefore, the probability of being rejected or receive a message that you are upset, is quite large. In this case, just gently turn the conversation: if a person does not want to talk to you, do not impose. In any case, there is always the chance that he has a bad mood, or he was just tired.

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