Live chat: Tips for having a good time

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Many people mistakenly believe they can be polite only in real communication when cannot hide and cheeks reddened with shame will be visible to all. In fact, in order to avoid embarrassing situations, we have to follow the etiquette in "live" communication and virtual.

In order to communicate social networks, chats or some web cam sites isn't inconvenience and doesn't cause unpleasant emotions, you need to know some of the rules and apply them in practice.

Do not forget that your messages must be clear and easy to read. Missed punctuation, abbreviations and incoherent words can cause not only a lack of understanding, but also irritation. Online communication should be easy, relaxed and do not cause discomfort.

Look and then write

When internet users want to communicate, they come in a variety of community and actively participate in discussions and debates. But do not forget that if a rule of behavior is acceptable on one site to other, it can be absolutely inappropriate. In order to "join" in the right environment and not be under the wrath of the rest of community, need some time to be in a temporary silence. Watch what style of communication is accepted as participants expressed and how best to respond to different cues. If everything is taken correctly, Friendship you exactly guaranteed.


Often, we need communication at time when we are overwhelmed with emotions. You should not lose self-control!

For express their feelings, some use profanity, using the communication on the Internet. Moreover, it is uncivilized and insulting; this behavior can also be a criminal offense. If you still do not want problems, then try to express thoughts less expressive. I'm sure many people want to communicate, which contributes to pleasant and positive emotions. Aggression as such does not cause.

I'm sure in everyone's life there were situations where it was necessary just to scream with rage, anger, disagreement, disappointment, joy, but from everything! Do you think it cannot be done with the keyboard and the virtual world? Can. Simply press the Caps Lock and your text will be added to a lot of screaming and paints. It is considered rude, and hardly will set a person on a positive footing. Also it is not recommended to write letters of different fonts.

Friendship in the network implies informality and simplicity of the dialogues. We use emoticons to convey your emotions interlocutor. Emoticons it's good, but when they do not occupy three paragraphs. Participating in the discussions in various forums, we should not neglect the good attitude. An infinite number of emoticons can cause a mixed reaction from the side. Everywhere should be a measure, even in the virtual smiles.

And again, be open, competent, helpful and friendly; Don’t spam, don’t flood, clearly express their thoughts and control emotions, then online communication in free webcam dating sites or other platforms will bring into your life more bright colors and pleasant moments!

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