Common mistakes in relations

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We all know how it is. You meet a person, learn, communicate, and get to know each other. At some point, your affection for each other becomes strong enough, and that's when the relationship begins. But dating period ends and replace the euphoria comes easy unpleasant aftertaste. You begin to notice the shortcomings of the partner, to evaluate it more soberly, see the strengths and weaknesses.

This is normal: in this period the relationship tested. Will you be able to co-exist? At this time it is especially important not to make mistakes that can ruin everything.


The time of love - it is always a time of idealizing. We seemed to put on rose-colored glasses and represent your future partner a certain embodiment of all good qualities. Many people think that it is peculiar only young girls and inexperienced youths. In fact, this feature is characteristic for all age groups.

Our advice: Try immediately sober assessment partner. Of course, absolutely impartial in love cannot be. But when we first met, you can draw attention to some shortcomings. This is normal: ideal people do not exist in reality.


When a man seeks to conquer the rebellious beauty, drive can be very out of place. But in the very relationship is best to stay away. Most often it is characterized by beautiful half of humanity, although men in this regard are not sinless. It is about perseverance and speed movement toward a certain goal. This can be a life together, marriage, and children and so on. Naturally, this rapid movement may frighten anyone.

Our advice: Perhaps your partner and do not mind together with you to achieve your goals. But provide the opportunity to develop relations in its natural pace.

Compare and desire to change

It is an absolute taboo. Never compare your partner with anyone. If a man compared to holders of their husbands and friends, you can, even if accidentally, it is easy to break all relations. The same applies to the comparison of the girls. And of course strictly taboo is the comparison with the ex.

Our advice: Appreciate your partner for who he is. For all those with whom you compare it - this is definitely not your people. But he might just yours.

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