7 ways to bring sex life to a new level

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Over the years, the erstwhile passion is subsided, and sex life with your partner lost the novelty? Sexologists called seven ways to enhance intimacy and bring back the thrill in the bedroom. Learn more our blog and visit our best webcam sites.

1. Do not hurry up orgasm

Family therapist Gracie Landes considers that we should not rush orgasm. You'll get more fun if you approach it gradually. You are not required to have an orgasm at the same time. The main thing is that both enjoyed and did not lose contact. Proceed slowly, increases arousal, teasing each other. Reduce and increase the intensity of the sensations until they decide that it's time for discharge.

2. Leave your smartphones!

Clinical sexologist Anna Randall says that the bed is only for sleep and sex. In the bedroom, there is no room phones and other gadgets. It is hard to tune in sex when the partner is interested in the internet more than your body. If you cannot do it without entertainment, try the adult movies, they will initiate a passionate night. You can light a candle or read erotic stories to each other.

3. Enjoy your body

Psychologist sexologist Megan Fleming notes that many men and women are experiencing due to the changes in their body. Sexuality is a state of mind. It does not depend on the age or size of the garment. Accept your sexuality. Your partner will feel your mood and energy. Find ways to excite - wear beautiful clothes, light candles, and smile. Each of us is responsible for making contact with the inner sexuality.

4. Teach each other

Who knows better than you how to give you pleasure? Anna Randall offers to get comfortable next to each other and see how each brings herself to orgasm in turn. See how it makes to your partner, and it will be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in your life. Arrange between his legs and watch. When it's your turn, take a partner's hand and control his or her movements. Show to your partner what you like. When it's over, hug him and discuss what you have learned. Proximity to the sexual life will move to the next level. If you want to have some fun – try our smut cams.

5. Look into the eyes

Sexologist Kimberly Resnick Anderson advises maintains eye contact for at least two minutes. Gaze stimulates excitement and strengthens the affinity. This is a very intimate gesture. Many couples avoid this powerful aphrodisiac because they feel too vulnerable.


Many couples agree that they would like to have sex more often, but the daily affairs and concerns inhibit spontaneity. Sexologist Ursula Ofman believes that the best way is often to have sex is to plan it in advance. Think about how you want it to be. What did you want to try? When the partner knows that you are planning to sexual pleasures, it will excite him. You also adjust them in the right mood before actual physical contact.

7. Share your fantasies

Only a few couples share their sexual preferences, expectations, and fantasies. Kimberly Resnick Anderson says that many of her clients are ashamed or suppress them. Unleash your erotic scenario and share it with your partner. This will give you a sense of freedom and excitement.

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