How do you know that men like you?

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How to understand that a man like you, he is interested? Or vice versa, is not interested and is not worth it to spend more valuable time? This article is also interesting for men - they will represent what subtle signs, gestures and facial expressions give their interest. Learn more with our webcamsite blog.

Keep on mind the next things:

1. Firstly, a man would consider - no matter how unceremoniously at close range or the edge of the eye. Some experts call this technique "visual voyage". His eyes examine a woman from head to toe, lingering a bit longer on the most attractive locations. I do not think that the man did not appreciate your appearance at first sight. But he deliberately lets you see, he is interested in you as a potential partner.

2. The men at the sight of you starts to smarten up, and when you're talking about - listening, slightly open mouth - his lips are closed tightly or not compressed.

Try to be in peace with yourself

3. It is worth putting one or both hands on the waist or just below. This posture expresses confidence and a pointing gesture. We subconsciously indicate hands on the most attractive to the opposite sex parts of the body: this is why women often crossed his arms, and men holding hands on the belt.

4. He is playing with the buttons of his jacket, buttoning and unbuttoning them. It shows that you made him worry and he unconsciously wants to show his body: opens the jacket and again puts one or both hands on the belt, thus opening your eyes just themselves and demonstrating self-confidence - a quality that attracts most women.

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5. He often touches his face when he looks at you. If he likes you, he would rub his chin to touch the ears or fingers to hold (them back) on the cheek. 6. When we show interest in the person of the opposite sex, our skin, especially lips are very sensitive to touch.

7. He will move to the very edge of the chair to be closer to you. And if at the same time he put his foot on the leg - the leg, which will be on top, will be aimed in your direction.

8. He will guide you, taking the elbow or slightly touching the back. This is not just a manifestation of good manners: it is important to know exactly where it is you're going. He just does not want you to lose. In addition, the polite support at the same time opens up the possibility of another accident, intentional touch.

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