What causes virtual romance?

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Psychologists have been revealed some patterns that affect the appearance of attraction to another person. The first thing is the closeness. That is, a sense of desire appears predominantly to who is near to us, with whom you can see every day. Daily reminders pulses currently lead to addiction and can serve as a further clue to the human desire to know more deeply.

It is on this soil and emerge rapidly blooming office romances.

Their members are also shocked - how could it happen that from "nothing" suddenly appeared "something". In the virtual world of chat (maybe in our webcamsite), where people used to spend time together as much as at work (and not being distracted by the work itself) - the effect of habituation works even faster.

The second thing is "the effect of anonymity."

We all know that in real life a lot of potential affection, not to mention love, immediately chopped off at the root of inappropriate parameters appearance. Of the hundreds of people that we have to meet daily, eyes filter almost a dozen of those with whom we would like to take a closer look. So arranged that a lot of potentially interesting for us as people we are cut off from communicating with you by their appearance.

Cyber-love nowadays – is difficult

Virtual love begins, so to speak, "from the other end" - not from the appearance, but with the idea to talk with a commonality of views and interests. This contributes to an increased level of confidence in virtual space. After impersonal interlocutor easier to tell a lot from the fact that not really tell someone else in real life. And the higher the level of trust - the stronger the closer, the more likely the occurrence of feeling called love, even if it is virtual love.

And at last

Obviously the lack of information about the virtual companions makes around him an aura of mystery and riddles. This is an additional incentive to pay attention to it, makes you want to try to solve this riddle. In the real world, not everyone will be held at the casting to appear mysterious and romantic person.

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