How to look good on camer

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Consider a few tips that help you present yourself more attractive in conversation on some web cam dating site:

Advice №1

You should pay attention to the light. On this occasion, it has published numerous articles. For example, a well-known photojournalist David Hobby strongly recommends never relies solely on natural (solar) lighting or light from the monitor screen. His main advice is to set a table lamp. Gary Gould, a man who gave to the webcam more than one hundred interviews, also speaks of wrong and inappropriate backlighting. In this case, face of person sitting in front of webcam is obscured and sees it becomes very difficult. Also, choosing the lighting, it's important to consider some kind of subdued light, which help to achieve a thin mist, beautiful shading his face. If a computer is close to the window, try to sit down so that the light shines on your face at a certain angle and emphasized only his dignity.

Advice №2

An equally important element of a good appearance on random cam sites of the front of the webcam is a well-chosen makeup. It is worth remembering that the webcam, as well as camera, lying bit color, so in such case make-up should be somewhat brighter and more intense than the one you make in everyday life.

Feel free to use in make-up yellow, blue, green, red and pink colors. However, the restriction applies to a small orange. The fact that camera itself has already orange shades so can get too much. Do not forget about it.

To make the eyes more brilliant use around the eyes flickering shadows. Not only do they add luster, but also perfectly conceal under-eye bags are available.

You should not abuse the foundation and powder. The camera perfectly conveys all the layers are deposited on the skin cosmetics!

Advice №3

The third rule of good image in front of web camera for the hair, namely their placement. Many women tend to think that the rubber band strapped hair is a symbol of seriousness and responsibility. Perhaps for office work it that way, but on web cam chat all the way around. Her hair will model the face, give him precise contours. But should not actively hair combed in advance as this may lead to unnecessary shadow. The best solution is even distribution of hair on the front and back of head.

Advice №4

The fourth point concerns the correct choice of clothes. Gould advises three great options to choose suitable colors: blue, red and green. But black and white, contrary to popular opinion, the webcam will not do. In addition, there will be misplaced variegated colors, which have the effect of scattering. It's better to give preference to self-colored clothing options.

Advice №5

The fifth point is the location of the webcam. The main rule here is a big plan. Yes, that's right, the closer you'll be to webcam, the sharper and brighter will send images. Also check height of placement webcam and make sure your partner sees your eyes, not the forehead or chin. In case of need, just put your laptop on a stack of books.

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