What can you expect if he text you?

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We communicate through text a lot of fans. While the message is printed, there is always the opportunity to reflect on their thoughts and express them correctly, while the same phone call to be more spontaneous. Therefore, many men prefer to write messages that much easier to do than arrange a personal meeting with her to express her feelings. But, nevertheless, text, despite the fact that makes it impossible to see the man or hear his voice, too, can tell a lot about a person, you only need to learn to read between the lines of his message. Read more articles about relationships on the Web with our best chat rooms blog.


If you recently met, and he already calls you "baby" and "bunny" in his messages, avoiding the use of your name, it is likely a womanizer. In general, you can call any nickname, but do not take it for tenderness and a special relationship. Just using it, you can make many friends sending women and not spend time on private messages. This man simply asserts itself at the expense of a large number of women who believe in his sincerity, begin to experience him affection and hope for something.


If you understand the cause, we can guess that it is for the people. In this way, actually save money (by typing letters, a message goes out almost half the price), maybe it's just very hard to get used to something new. In addition, this person can be described as an egoist, though not complete, because it is first of all thinking about his own convenience, and not about how hard it will be to read his writings to the recipient.

Big child

Everywhere he uses emoticons, replaces them punctuation. No, it's not bad, and even comfortable, and meaning of the shares, and transmits emotions, but, nevertheless, this person is still not grown emotionally, and no matter what his age he was not, he remains a kid at heart.


Such a man is peculiar to observe the order in everything, even in their own reports. He always carefully checks them. He will not have misspelled words; punctuation marks are all carefully arranged.


Such a man in person will be very reserved and even cold. You cannot understand his feelings. But in his communications, it will use lots of exclamation marks. He would like to draw your attention to some words. In general, in the messages it will be very emotional, it is thanks to them you will be able to understand his true feelings, understand the emotions that he experienced in a particular case will reveal that person.


He does not say anything in his texts about him, even covers the secret self, but will ask you lot of questions intently. You will feel like on a real interrogation, responding to his message. But these guys to watch out, because among them a considerable number of the pick-up artist, that you find out about the details, so that their courtship unsuccessful. They especially do not talk about yourself anything substantial and can easily break your heart.

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