To appreciate the silence

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Try to remember where and when was the last time you listened to the silence? I am sure that not everyone will be able to answer this question. And all because the silence in our time is a rare phenomenon and it is not available for all. Want to have some fun, but don’t know how to do it? Our top 10 webcam sites list could help you with it.

1. You need only five minutes

This task may seem easy and even funny for some people. But believe me: even spend five minutes in absolute silence, with nothing doing, may not be so easy, especially if this is your first experience. Your brain is already in half a minute will begin to starve and beg you to do something, but you do not give up. After a while, your mind, devoid of make-up by external stimuli, pay attention to yourself and you'll get a new wonderful world of inner contemplation.

2. Leave the phone

It's not even to get rid of the constant notifications and calls, although this is also important. More importantly: try at least for a time, get rid of the invisible threads that connect you with the outside world. We are so accustomed to the fact that we are constantly twitch for them that they did not notice how thin strings turned into a strong leash or even shackled. Try every day at least for a short time to part with your mobile assistant. This will give you a completely forgotten feeling of freedom.

3. Turn off all

It's funny, but in those areas where for various reasons, there are power cuts, people live a much more fulfilling life. Instead of hanging out in computer games and social networks, they talk, walk, cooking to eat, read or draw. In general, engagement in those things that we all want to do is always postponed. Try to implement something like that in my life. To this end, it is not necessary to unscrew the plug in an apartment; you can simply arrange a curfew for gadgets. Or try, for example, make a bet: who is the first turn on your computer, smart phone or TV, he lost. The winners will still be all the participants without exception. Free bbw web cams is the place where all dreams come true ;)

4. Buy a good pair of headphones

If you cannot completely control the surrounding sound environment, then at least try to isolate yourself from it. To do this, there is no better way than a good pair of headphones and your favorite playlist in the player.

5. Meditation

Nothing teaches to appreciate silence as meditation. This activity can be called a kind of spiritual exercises, which, in contrast to the physical, gives us the mental health and emotional balance. The meditation learns to hold the attention of people on their internal processes, looking at them as if from outside, and this is possible only in conditions of peace.

Do you enjoy silence? Or at least, do you remember, what is it?

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