Love through the internet or just a mistake?

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Welcome to our best webcam sites blog, we hope that this article will help you sort out with virtual love

In the bottomless depths of the Internet, I found an interesting study; it is very close to me in spirit. Unfortunately, it was not possible to calculate the author, and his name remains a mystery to me. So. Love and infatuation three outgoing symptoms: passion, intimacy and extraordinary emotions.

Love comes slowly, falling in love - fast

Love grows and growth takes time. Falling in love is as usual, as if dumped on the head. Indeed, to know a person, I met him only a few times, it is impossible. Many people wear a mask and immediately know that they hide under it, is unrealistic. Some manage to hide the true face up to the wedding, and after already appear in its true light. Know that it is good to know a person takes time - months, perhaps even years. Many of you have heard the expression: "Love at first sight". But this does not happen - possible sympathy at first sight, an unusual arrangement at a glance. You can feel a strong attraction to a person you just met, but, despite its strength, it is the attraction surface, this infatuation eyes in appearance, in actions in response. But to really love a person, you have to go a long way. See this only those who have already gone through the novel. We can ask: "How long it lasted and how long it took to stop him?" If the strengthening of true love takes time, it ends up falling in love almost as well as beginners - fast, but with one exception. It does not disappear instantly, if you maintain sexual relations. Sex complicated emotional response. Those who love do not leave not because of common interests, but because of the sex. About love then we cannot say. In the center of love - is always the same person, falling in love is capable of containing a few. We are talking about person, which is in "love" in two or more people at the same time. For example, a girl in love with two guys - one is mature, reliable and responsible person, and the other - a reckless spendthrift, a lover of fun. She says that he cannot choose someone one. But true love chooses one person. To go, in which she sees and is valuable for themselves and no longer looking for another.

Love gives the desire to create, falling in love is destructive

Love is a positive impact on your personality; it will reveal all the best in you. It will fill you with new energy, set goals, and awaken interest in life. It will promote creativity and worthy cases, your personal development. Love will restore a sense of self-esteem, sense of duty and self-confidence. It will propel you to success. You'll study hard, work systematically to live and not waste your time on trifles. Falling in love, unlike love, is destructive. She carries a mess. When you're in love, it decreases your performance and ability to work; your talents can not be shown. Your family and close friends immediately commented: "Wow what happened, you do not go anywhere or do anything, maybe you're sick!?"

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