Ways to Rekindle the Passion in Your Marriage

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They say that time makes the heart grow fonder, but love does not always maintain passion over time on its own. It takes effort from both people to keep a relationship passionate and wonderful. Many aspects of life shift over time, as people purchase homes, have children, get promotions at work, and more. There are many ways that people can rekindle the passion in relationships and marriage. One of the first steps is to realize that your partner is not a mind reader. Approach your partner about your needs and wants, talk about dreams, and do it in a respectful and non-pursuing manner.

Good communication is essential for any relationship, and many people think that they have conquered the world when it comes to good communication. They have not and never will. Everyone needs to revisit communication skills and check in on their partner’s needs and wants. Couples who do this are the most successful at keeping the passion going. Casual conversation is a great way to rekindle the spark, particularly if the spark seems to have been gone for a period of time. Start a few new hobbies and see if your partner wants to join. Look into things that your partner likes to do, where you can see them at their happiest. Follow these tips to foster intimacy and make sure you do not fall into a pattern of unhealthy communication.

Emotional Intimacy Is Important

Having a good sexual relationship often starts with connecting on other levels. While the physical attraction can keep relationships going for a period, other important parts of relationships are essential. Emotional and mental intimacy can be important for people’s physical relationships, in addition to their mental ones.

One of the easiest ways to foster emotional intimacy is to focus on your partner’s needs, while also communicating your needs in a respectful and loving way. Using “I” words instead of “you” words when talking about your needs can be essential, and work towards not being defensive is vital. Some people find that certain environments are better for conversations than others. Some people have a different attitude when they are in the living room as opposed to the kitchen, as an example. Sometimes being in a fancy restaurant is a much more formal talking experience than being at a burger joint.

Expressing yourself in positive ways, with your needs and wants is vital. Conveying these things without assigning blame or putting forth criticism is essential. The idea is to transform yourself mentally and inspire your partner to do the same, or at least be aware of how you feel.

Talk About The Little Things, Physical Ones And Mental Ones

People are often surprised at how much the little things mean. Early in relationships, the hormonal chemicals people have are part of the excitement in a relationship. These euphoric feelings do not last forever for most people, and other types of physical touch and intimacy become more important. While people may have more immediate attraction early in the relationship, there are ways to affirm your affection for your partner. Doing these in both physical ways and mental ones can have a huge positive impact on people’s sex lives.

Some people get older and think that holding hands and hugging are not as important as they used to be. This is not true for most people; things like holding hands have large positive impacts on people’s lives. Physical affection like this can help set the stage for more sexual touch that is focused on pleasure. Professionals often recommend that people double or triple the amount of time they hug, kiss, and use sensual touch as a way to improve marriage and dating relationships.

Smaller mental and emotional things can also have a major impact. Occasional love letters or small presents can be great ideas. People have different ways that they express and receive affection. For some people, words of affirmation are a big deal and mean a lot. Other people like getting small gifts or having people do small acts of service for them. Helping with the chores could be an active service, and chocolates from the grocery store can be a small gift that people enjoy and appreciate more than you might think. Physical touch is also a way that some people express love, and quality time is another. Go through each of these things and think of a few ways that you could add a little bit more of each of them into your life.

More Short Tips For Rekindling Passion

  1. Hold hands more often, and initiate holding hands with your partner. Sometimes one partner is always the one to initiate holding hands, but if the other does it is another reaffirmation of intimacy and can be very meaningful.
  2. Take your time in the early stages of sex. Foreplay stimulates different parts of the brain, and anticipation can be incredible. Soft touch is important, and anticipation can come from many other places as well. Take some time to talk about fantasies that you have, and if you have a sexual routine that is predictable, change it up. You can make sex more romantic, more adventurous, and more varied. Changing locations can be another great way to break any monotony.
  3. Plan ways to decrease stress before sex happens. This can take the form of doing household chores together and having sex as an after chore reward. This strategy does not work for all people, and sometimes helping one person decrease their stress levels can be as easy as doing the dishes and cleaning up the house. Couples who are focused on helping each other maintain the house and take care of the chores are often less stressed overall, which can have positive benefits on their sex lives.

Each of these things has ways to expand on them. Making sex a priority can be enough to catapult people’s desire for each other back up. Changing the kind of sex that you have can be fantastic, but making sure that you communicate your curiosities about sex with your partner is another step that can have a significant impact. No one relationship tip is generally going to completely change people’s passion for each other around, but trying numerous different things and avoiding falling into monotony when it comes to physical intimacy can put relationships on a better path.

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