I traded my wife on a young girl, and now I live in “prison”

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35 years of happy marriage, wonderful adult children... he exchanged for a relationship with a young beautiful woman and now regret it bitterly. Anonymous recognition. Keep eye on our random web chat blog.

I traded my wife on a young girl

We lived with his wife of 35 years, through a lot together. We have beautiful children: sons and a daughter. Each of them is now a great job, a strong marriage - all thanks to my wife, who all these years constantly praying for them. After retirement, my wife and I decided to invest their savings in a business (she continued praying, fasting) - and the result exceeded all expectations: I had never seen that kind of money, almost mad with joy. Suddenly, I became a member of the "club of billionaires," and my life has changed. It began to seem that one woman - one with which we have lived for so many years - enough... We moved to a prestigious neighborhood, the car changed to the new, luxury. I was invited to important events, receptions closed. Around me buzz about the young beauty, and all my new friends were young companion.

Young, sexy, she did not take her eyes off me, but it was a condition: I must decide

They, these beauties, I whispered words that I melted. I felt like a king of the world, spending money right and left. And then I met her - let's call her Dolly. Young, sexy, she did not take her eyes off me, was, it seems, is ready for anything - and I "fell in love". But she had a condition: I must marry her. My first wife had never has made me angry in my whole life. She supported me 'in sorrow and in joy. " The fact that our children have grown up successful and happy people - entirely her merit. ... And I just cannot explain how it happened. I was at a party at Dolly and her mother, the same age as my wife, she had prepared a sumptuous lunch. But after the beginning of set conditions, say that cares about the happiness of his daughter (she is divorced). They Dolly gave me three months to ensure that explain and to leave with his wife, otherwise we will not see each other again. I crawled on his knees, promising to arrange everything? I do not remember.

 I felt like a king - exactly two weeks until our honeymoon lasted

She strayed from all my attacks, and then said: I know what it is, and you concede that a young blonde, behind which you run. Now all we snapped at her. My younger sister, whom his wife had once pulled out of a terrible situation and brought up as his own daughter hit her. And I just watched. After returning home, I began to accuse wife in all imaginable and unimaginable things. The quarrel over the quarrel - and I really started to hate her fiercely. I gathered the family council, to open all eyes on her. The list of her "sins" and went the extra weight, and fanatical faith. I said that her prayers - nothing more than a spell, blamed in connection with the pastor...

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