Bullying on the web

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Probably at least once each of us met with negative comments and insults in the realm of cyberspace. What we feel at this moment? Annoyance, resentment, anger? We are going through, think through options for protection and response. It seems to us that it is not just offensive images, video, or infamous words on a computer monitor, that we really did hurt! Read more with our best webcam sites blog.

What can we say about the feelings of the person who is subjected to humiliating harassment in the network regularly?

This phenomenon is a totally scientific name – cyber bullying. This word is made up of English bullying (by bully - bully, bully, snapper, rapist) and cyber (prefix currently bound at the computer, digital technologies, and the like and, in particular, with a worldwide global Internet). Mean cyber bullying and harassment in the network using messages, pictures, audio and video files offensive, as well as to slander, intimidation, threats. Check out this cam2cam chat.

As in everyday life, the initiators of cyber bullying usually become insecure, notorious people, which can not assert themselves in any other way, except for the alleged superiority over a weak opponent. Bully seems that the Internet - it is a safe area for hooliganism, where there are no rules and there is no responsibility. But, as we already know, this is not true.

  • cyber bullying  - it's not fun, no fun, no fun.
  • cyber bullying can lead to very dire consequences,
  • with responsibility for that then you live your life.

No impunity.

All that is published on the Internet, remains forever on the Internet - remember that!

For every offense committed in the network will inevitably be followed by the actual punishment.

If you become a victim of cyber bullying:


2. If the aggressor is a stranger to you, do not answer to his actions. The best communication strategy with bullies - ignore. Do not allow to be drawn into the conflict!

3. If the aggressor you know, tell me calmly and clearly: "Stop, that's enough." Do not be nervous, do not hurry "to fight back", and do not show up the slack. Often the fact of aggression does not continue if the abuser to understand that you do not react to his behavior. Reaction - this is what you expect from a bully. You can visit this site cams4free.com.

4. If cyber bullying continues, User Lock and submitted it to the blacklist.

5. Be careful with what information you upload to the Internet, do not let the aggressor additional reasons.

6. Keep the confirmation: messages, letters, photographs.

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