Silence part two

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Silence in the business becomes gold only as a data signal that nothing to talk about. The main rule here is essentially saying, essentially silent. Everything else is tacitly "bombast" to give them more importance. Why does a woman more likely to tell a friend about some of their unrest, anxieties, joys, rather than her own husband? Women often say, not because it is necessary to convey some important information. She just needs to share state, to express their emotions, to talk about the mood. Against this background, "the emotional fuss" for older children. To know what is happening to them, we must be part of the emotional space. If we choose a different position - the position emotional detachment - the probability of loss of contact with those who moved away from. The third "veil of silence" is the preservation of emotional comfort space. In this case, silence becomes a divide between "their" and "foreign". Check out our top 10 sex cam!


Stereotypical notion of male friendship requires silence and a female - chirping. But if the man did not say anything about something so that it is impossible to hide from each other? If a woman have talk her secrets "as a friend", according to the same friendship passed all the gossip, then as "friendly" such filth I have talked - not one sleepless night enough? Already did - would be better to remain silent. But the friendship was it? The friendship is important to know how to keep quiet when you want to hear. Learn to speak, when to remain silent is akin to treachery. Friendship - is primarily an open dialogue of those who trust each other. And the silence is just a pause in such a dialogue. Any web is the place where pleasure is hiding!



Most devastating silence is the silence in answer to a direct question, passive aggressive behavior in a difficult situation when it is necessary to accept the responsibility. It does not matter in what sphere of social life, a person includes the same "game in the cold" - the result is always more "in the red" rather than "in the black". "Playing in the cold" is one of the most losing games. Check out our amazing free nudechat! As well as disadvantageous for the use of silence is ghostly social success thing. Language acts expressing attitude to the other "sound" even when a person is trying to "shut up" information about itself. People no longer respect an honest "no" than cowardly silent "maybe someday" with its false hopes and shattered illusions afterwards.

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