Romance correspondence ... by chatting: why do we need it?

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Technology is rapidly transferred to a love relationship in the virtual field where we meet, know each other, quarrel, reconciled, admittedly in love, and sometimes breaking up. Do we benefit from this technological revolution in such delicate area as love? Learn more with our blog and join our best webcam sites.

Life in messages

Studies show that 90% of couples are communicating with each other through text messages at least once a day. Young lovers (from 17 to 25 years) do it more often. Most teenagers show high activity - 20% of them are willing to correspond with their partners up to 30 times per hour. For people born in 1980-2000 virtual space most naturally turned to the field of communication, it is quite acceptable to flirt, to address the serious issues of construction of same plans and even a declaration of love. At the same time, regardless of our age, we often send messages to our beloved, if our relationship is still fresh.

  • Do we need this continuous exchange text chat live, or is it a fundamentally different kind of human communication, with its advantages and the negative consequences?
  • To determine the role of this phenomenon is important to understand why we are so happy to use this method of communication. If you want to have an amazing time on webcam chat – try our bbw cams.
  • Messages removing barriers that can arise when speaking face-to-face or by telephone, according to the model of cyber-communication, proposed by American psychologist Joseph Walter, messaging has several advantages.

In other words, it is the opportunity to correct the statement before sending it to the recipient. The absence of unwanted non-verbal signals that we cannot hide with the live communication: an uncertain voice, sweaty palms when shaking hands. In general, messages do not require any additional emotional stress often accompanying a real meeting. "For some people are it is not easy communicate in real life, implying spontaneous reactions and the need to be in focus of the interlocutors - says social psychologist, professor at Loyola University (Maryland) Teresa Di Donato. - Not everyone is ready to respond quickly and witty joke, stay relaxed, do not look away, intuitively select the right tone of conversation and, finally, just to decide whether or not at the moment to embrace the person or to restrict greeting. People are inherently more introverted, not prone to publicity, or who feels insecure in conversation, messaging to avoid stressful situations" The virtual way of communication and helps those of us who are usually fairly confident, but do not fully understand how the relationship takes the opposite side. If we ask the question: "Do I like myself? Do he / she continue? ", Answer itself is sometimes easier to communicate online.

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